Monday, September 21, 2009

Stock Assault 2.0 on MSNBC

Stock Assault 2.0 has recently been on the news and thousands of people are considering using it, but is it worth it.

What is Stock Assault 2.0 Stock Assault 2.0 is very similar if not the same as the "day trading robot" seen on many affiliate sites. Stock Assault uses artificial intelligence to generate the best stock to pick and the right time. It is a fairly simple program to use, and with a click of a mouse, you can have the best possible stock that is likely to generate the biggest profit.

How Stock Assault 2.0 works. Stock Assault works by calculating all the data that is being circulated around the stock market at the time. Not only does it find data in numbers, but also words and phrases that deal with the stock itself. In general, the more the stock is being talked about, bought and sold, the greater the chance it will become a Stock Assault 2.0 pick.

For Example. Lets say we take the company APPLE, Stock Assault 2.0 will automatically find out how many people are buying, selling and talking about within the APPLE stock. It will calculate the numbers during the day, after trading and into the night. It searches for phrases, words, anything that pertains to the APPLE Company. If it feels that people are buying rather than selling, has a positive outlook, then Stock Assault 2.0 gives it a chance. The problem with this is, Stock Assault 2.0 cannot compensate for human interaction. Words can be skewed, misunderstood and as a result, it can be a deadly road to destruction.

Advice. Building a successful portfolio will not be accomplished with Stock Assault 2.0. It is a complex mathematical software that will result in short term trading. If you are looking to get into holding stocks for a short period of time, then selling, I recommend Stock Assault. It does cut all of the research that you do on a daily basis, but you are relying on a program. My suggestion, try the demo out, it will give you the basic idea of how the system works and how it can benefit you.

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